quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2015

Occult Functionality of the Pancreas


Millennium Education & Absolute Empowerment: The Pancreas



"The pancreas is very important on a metaphysical level as it is referred to as the subconscious brain. Who would have thought that by having sugar this organ will totally change your perception and create a world of ‘negative perception’ and block your creativity? This endocrine metabolises sugar in the blood stream however when an individual has sugar, it keeps the mind in at state of limbo and disconnected to the God within and the higher brain or known as the higher self can not get through. The sugar seems to block the connection between the two hemispheres of the brain and the bridge between the conscious and subconscious brains  – intuition."

sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2015

Superhydration by Ellington Darden, Ph.D.



"There is a difference between plain water and other beverages that contain mostly water. Those mostly water fluids — such as soft drinks, coffee, tea, beer, and fruit juices — contain sugar, flavors, caffeine, and alcohol. Sugar and alcohol add calories. Caffeine — found in coffee, tea, and many soft drinks — stimulates the adrenal glands and acts as a diuretic. Rather than superhydrate the system, caffeine-containing beverages actually dehydrate the body. You should keep such beverages to a minimum."

quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2015

Find out what Minerals do and if you have any increased requirements



Chromium (Cr)
Active as trivalent chromium; its biological value differs greatly in various foods. Aim for 100 mcg of high bio-value, supplements as glucose-tolerance factor or chelated chromium.
DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS Poor blood-sugar regulation (diabetes, hypoglycemia); disturbed fat/protein metabolism, alcohol intolerance, impaired growth, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, weight loss, fatigue, eye problems (opaque cornea, near-sightedness, glaucoma).

Zinc (Zn)
RDA 15 mg, recommended intake 20 to 30 mg daily; therapeutic dose up to 300 mg; best taken together with vitamin B6. Diets low in protein and high in fiber, phytates, calcium, fat and copper may decease the absorption of zinc. Increased zinc is needed with calcium or magnesium supplements, and during chronic infections, convalescence and stress.
DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS Skin: acne, boils, burns, leg ulcers, parakeratosis (horny red skin), poor wound healing, psoriasis, stretch marks. Hair: brittle, coarse, dandruff, falling, lacks pigment. Nails: white spots and bands. Eyes: keratitis (inflammations or lesions of the cornea), night blindness, retinal detachment. Taste and smell lost or distorted, mouth canker. Sexual problems: male sex organs underdeveloped, prostate enlarged, delayed sexual maturity, menstruation retarded, irregular, sterility. Poor growth, dwarfism. Body and breath odor, nausea (pregnancy). Poor circulation, cold extremities, fainting, heart infarct, sickle-cell anemia. Cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflammation of the intestines (Crohn's disease), joint pains (especially knee and hip), liver cirrhosis/alcoholism, toxemia. Mental problems, increased emotionalism, hyperactivity, learning disorders, autism, schizophrenia. Loss of appetite, anorexia nervosa, multiple allergies.

Potassium (K)
RDA 2000 mg, recommended intake 3 g daily. Deficiency may originate from oversupply of sodium (salt), use of diuretics or adrenal weakness.
DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS Anxiety, nervousness, fatigue; diabetes, hypoglycemia, heart strain, high blood pressure, liver problems, lower back pain, muscle weakness, multiple sclerosis, overweight, prevention of stroke.
SOURCES Kelp, fruits and vegetables.

sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2015




"The present epidemic of type 2 diabetes is due to the official health guidelines recommending a diet high in carbohydrates and low in fat. This can easily be reversed by a diet high in fresh raw food and unheated fats while initially avoiding and later minimizing grain products and sweeteners.
Under professional supervision, go for one week on a diet of only apples, mainly tart varieties (e.g. Granny Smith) with no or only a minimum of long-term insulin (to avoid ‘hypos’) or drugs. In addition have intestinal sanitation with plenty of dairy-free acidophilus cultures. Then gradually introduce non-sweet raw foods, especially sprouted seeds, lentils and other legumes, seafood, onion and cooked vegetables. Keep a diary of the blood sugar level after each test food. Continue using only low-response food.
With type 1 you may have to minimize all glucose-producing foods (e.g. all starches, sweet vegetables and even legumes) for some time and use mainly meat, fish, egg, goats' milk products, spirulina, lettuce, cabbage and other leafy greens in addition to green/tart apples, lemons and limes. If you need more carbohydrate add fructose to the lemon juice and also try xylitol. Before each meal take plenty of either fresh barley grass juice, spirulina or chlorella, and try one tablespoon of freshly ground linseed, as well as 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds soaked overnight, also use the soaking water. While you may be able to greatly reduce and sometimes eliminate the need for insulin injections in this way, regeneration of the pancreas is only likely if most of these foods are fresh, raw and organic.
Avoid all cows’ milk products (for type 1), wheat and gluten, saturated and especially hydrogenated fats, processed foods and food additives. Furthermore, avoid all sweet or sweetened food, including fruit juices, and in particular all sucrose; also fructose and glucose at the same meal, such as having fruit after a meal, although it may be all right having fruit an hour before a meal.
SUPPLEMENTS: Vitamins C and E (tablets), B-group, especially B1, B6, and B12. Glucose Tolerance Factor or chromium as well as manganese and zinc (all best chelated), 500 mg or more of magnesium, vanadium if available, MSM, fish oils, lecithin, freeze-dried liver, continue with dairy-free acidophilus. Also useful are aloe vera, bilberry, ginseng, goat's rue, gymnema (may help to regenerate beta cells) and various spices - cinnamon (1 teaspoon daily in divided doses), cloves, tarragon and turmeric. Calcium arginate (calcium salt of the amino acid arginine) is effective with type II diabetes."

quinta-feira, 7 de maio de 2015

Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction: Which is Better, and is There Another Solution?


Plenty of holistic health and some holistic dentistry sites recommend avoiding root canals because they’re more of a symptom blocker than a long-term fix, like so many things in our medical industry. Many root canal patients report having to get them re-done a few years later. - See more at: http://althealthworks.com/395/root-canal-vs-tooth-extraction-which-is-better-and-is-there-another-solution/#sthash.9ajYoxmX.dpuf
Plenty of holistic health and some holistic dentistry sites recommend avoiding root canals because they’re more of a symptom blocker than a long-term fix, like so many things in our medical industry. Many root canal patients report having to get them re-done a few years later. - See more at: http://althealthworks.com/395/root-canal-vs-tooth-extraction-which-is-better-and-is-there-another-solution/#sthash.9ajYoxmX.dpuf
Plenty of holistic health and some holistic dentistry sites recommend avoiding root canals because they’re more of a symptom blocker than a long-term fix, like so many things in our medical industry. Many root canal patients report having to get them re-done a few years later. - See more at: http://althealthworks.com/395/root-canal-vs-tooth-extraction-which-is-better-and-is-there-another-solution/#sthash.9ajYoxmX.dpuf
Plenty of holistic health and some holistic dentistry sites recommend avoiding root canals because they’re more of a symptom blocker than a long-term fix, like so many things in our medical industry. Many root canal patients report having to get them re-done a few years later. - See more at: http://althealthworks.com/395/root-canal-vs-tooth-extraction-which-is-better-and-is-there-another-solution/#sthash.9ajYoxmX.dpuf
Plenty of holistic health and some holistic dentistry sites recommend avoiding root canals because they’re more of a symptom blocker than a long-term fix, like so many things in our medical industry. Many root canal patients report having to get them re-done a few years later. - See more at: http://althealthworks.com/395/root-canal-vs-tooth-extraction-which-is-better-and-is-there-another-solution/#sthash.9ajYoxmX.dpuf
Plenty of holistic health and some holistic dentistry sites recommend avoiding root canals because they’re more of a symptom blocker than a long-term fix, like so many things in our medical industry. Many root canal patients report having to get them re-done a few years later. - See more at: http://althealthworks.com/395/root-canal-vs-tooth-extraction-which-is-better-and-is-there-another-solution/#sthash.9ajYoxmX.dpuf
Plenty of holistic health and some holistic dentistry sites recommend avoiding root canals because they’re more of a symptom blocker than a long-term fix, like so many things in our medical industry. Many root canal patients report having to get them re-done a few years later. - See more at: http://althealthworks.com/395/root-canal-vs-tooth-extraction-which-is-better-and-is-there-another-solution/#sthash.9ajYoxmX.dpuf

terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2015

New Theory Places Origin of Diabetes in an Age of Icy Hardships



"The theory argues that juvenile diabetes may have developed in ancestral people who lived in Northern Europe about 12,000 years ago when temperatures fell by 10 degrees Fahrenheit in just a few decades and an ice age arrived virtually overnight"

"Dr. Sharon Moalem, an expert in evolutionary medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, believes that some people may have adapted to the extreme cold. High levels of blood glucose prevent cells and tissues from forming ice crystals, Dr. Moalem said. In other words, Type 1 diabetes would have prevented many of our ancestors from freezing to death."




"Eat only apples for several days, as many as you like. Do not try to fast, eat at least 6 apples a day. Use mainly tart varieties, such as Granny Smith, and eat them spaced out during the day instead of in meal portions. Try to obtain organic apples, otherwise scrub them in warm soap water and rinse well. Preferably ingest the peels as well."

"Besides one or two meals, have apples or possibly pears and frequent drinks with diluted lime or lemon juice. Whenever you feel hungry, mix a teaspoon of spirulina (or chlorella) powder, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, and a pinch of lecithin with water (warm or cold) or with diluted lime or lemon juice as an appetite suppressant and energiser."

"Take 1-3 g of vitamin C with meals, e.g. half a teaspoonful of sodium or calcium ascorbate or mixed ascorbates 3 or 4 times daily with food or drink (vitamin C may cause non-specific urine tests to show a false positive)."

"Citric acid reacts with fatty acids to produce energy. As long as you have fatty deposits, you can easily live on lemon juice."

"Exercise lowers sugar levels by channelling glucose into muscle cells even in the absence of insulin, or in type 2 diabetics by making cells more sensitive to insulin. In contrast, additional insulin or blood sugar tablets lower blood sugar levels mainly by converting glucose into fat, which is highly undesirable.




"Diabetes is commonly regarded as incurable and all effort is directed at controlling or managing it. However, I believe not only that most cases are curable but that early diabetes 1 and all diabetes 2 are relatively easy to cure with a suitable diet."

"You might naively assume that diabetes death rates were greatly reduced after the introduction of insulin in the mid 1920s, but that was not so."

"As long as they have enough fat, diabetics can easily live on lemon juice."

Our Spiritual Nutrition - Section 5 - Interpreting the physical signals (spiritual components of physical disorders)



"Lack of faith or hope that the future can be good or belief that it will not be good. Chronic state of distress; habitual belief that something bad is about to happen. Giving up. In children, can occur after the family receives a devastating blow."

Compassionate Dragon Healing



"Looked at Wholistically, when an illness manifests itself in the physical body, we are actually seeing the last stage of a dysfunction that began in the Spirit. A poverty of Spirit will work its way down through the energetic bodies of Mind and Emotions to finally take up residence in the body."

"Metaphysically then diabetes represents a difficulty in processing the sweetness of life. One may be bitter at the world. Things are not the way they should be."

The Metaphysics of Diabetes



"I think that, metaphysically, diabetes is about a soul pattern of emotional isolation—starving for love, and unable to get enough of its sweetness."

Rules #20: Secret's Out- Spiritual Reasons for the Top 10 Causes of Death



"If diabetics had their own theme song, it might be this one from Henry Purcell: "a person of sorrow and acquainted with grief…" Many diabetics will tell you that the restrictions they endure with this disease are cause enough for their sadness. And yet it is the sadness from many lifetimes that has usually caused them to contract this disorder. The bodies of diabetics cannot handle sugar because they cannot connect with life's sweetness. Aside from love, it is joy and happiness that are the most necessary "spiritual" nutrients that are required to sustain life. So the best advice for diabetics is to 'stop worrying and get happy'."

Diabetes and Self-Healing



"Diabetes is the result of our psychological desire to experience the sweetness of life without expelling any effort. Then when we find that the earthly sweets of food are not satisfying enough, we disrupt our ability to ingest them. We do this so that we will be compelled to discover the greater sweetness in life, which is our true spiritual nature."

Diabetes, A Simple Fix.



"Diabetes is mainly a lack of water, sea salt, magnesium (found in dark greens) and Tryptophan, an amino acid found in eggs, beans, cottage cheese 4% (cheeses) and nuts."

"A diabetic needs to eat 6 eggs every day. They don't need any insulin for eating eggs. There are no carbs in eggs or cheese. Also any diabetic class 1 (injecting insulin) or class 2 taking a pill, should eat 8-10 oz of green beans before going to bed."

"Eat no bread, pasta or heavy starchy things. As a diabetic follows this diet of eating these foods they will be using less and less insulin until they are off insulin."

Diabetes #1 Shame Of The "Orthodox" Doctors - Chromium & More



"DIABETES is the number one shame of the "orthodox" doctors in the 20th century. Diabetes is easy to prevent, easy to cure and treat (in laboratory animals and probably in humans) so you can avoid all of the terrible side effects (i.e. blindness, hypertension, amputations, early death, etc.). Since 1958, it has been known that supplemental chromium will prevent and treat diabetes as well as hypoglycemia."

"Modern medical terms such as “insulin resistance” and “insulin sensitivity” should be replaced by “gross chromium deficiency”. It is not that insulin is “resistant” or lacks “sensitivity,” but rather that insulin is lacking a vital – in fact essential – component for sugar metabolism that is this mineral chromium."

"Treatment of diabetes should also include zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., B complex at 50 mg t.i.d. (be sure to include niacin which is part of the GTF "glucose tolerance factor"), essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., B12 at 1,000 mcg/day, bioflavonoids including quercetin at 150 mg/day, copper at 2-3 mg/day, lecithin at 2,500 mg t.i.d., and glutathione at 100 mg/day. High fiber, high complex carbohydrate diets are recommended. No natural or processed sugar and carbohydrates should be consumed. Eat meat, eggs, and poultry three to six times per day to stabilize blood sugar in the beginning stages of the therapy. Every time you eat processed carbohydrate (i.e. sugar, honey, alcohol, mashed potatoes, etc.), you will loose 300 percent more chromium in your urine than when you consume complex carbohydrates! Herbs are useful in treating diabetes and may include licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), jaborandi (Pilocarpus jaborandi), yarrow (Achillea Millefolium), Canadian fleabane (Erigeron canadense), and Jerusalem artichoke. Plant derived colloidal minerals are fantastic for diabetics!"